10 Don'ts For Men in A Divorce
by Christoph Hickory
These Don'ts are just as important...
1) Move from the house unless you are ordered to by the courts.
2) Ever try to turn your kids against their mother
3) Be afraid to ask your lawyer all the questions you want, and dump her if he/she is not working for you!
4) Ever deal with your wife and her lawyer unless your lawyer is present
5) Let anger take over during any part of the proceedings!!
6) Sign anything unless you understand every single word
7) Agree to any alimony unless there are exceptional circumstances
8) Shut yourself off from friends and family... An ongoing social life is very important.
9) Stop paying child support even if your ex is denying you time with your children. This is something that should be dealt with in court!
10) Forget that you, as a husband and father, have rights too!!!
Unfortunately, this doesn't cover everything. There is no article that could possibly do that. Every point that I have made has greater details that you need to find out about. Consider the issue of finding a good attorney, which is often much harder that you would think. It is possibly the most important decision you make, but still the hardest one.
I have been through a rather nasty divorce myself. And my former wife and her over-zealous lawyer tried to take everything that I had. Luckily, I researched the issue, shelled out a couple bucks for some expert advice (nothing compared to what I payed in lawyers fees!), and found a good attorney. Luckily, I was able to get out of it with minimal damage. I even got to keep my house.
The best advice that I can give to you is don't ever give in. Do your homework! Find a really good attorney, and don't do anything foolish! You can go to my site on Men's Divorce Strategies, and find out more information on the resources that I have used. Good luck to you and remember this doesn't have to be the end of your life!
About the Author
Christoph Hickory "A highly opinionated guy with many life experiences, and a whole lot to say!"
Labels: divorce